Puppy Health-how to ensure a good care of you — Health , Puppys — Puppy Health Tips

Monday, October 25, 2010

Puppy Health-how to ensure a good care of you

Like your own puppy will take care of the baby-he who play with him, you must supply him on a regular basis, pay attention to the bathing their.

If you forget an important task in, may be exposing your puppy health risk. Become a part of life knows that it is necessary to note an ominous sound first time pet owners, and also it anymore after is disagree.

Puppy health, hence pay close attention to need a bit more fragile at the beginning, after relax a bit.

Here are some tips to help you take care of your puppy.

1. Trip to the vet your puppy vaccinations.

Dogs are there just like regular immunization baby need. Need to avoid these diseases especially injecting your dog: such as Parvovirus, adeno virus, canine distemper, and rabies. Also the other vaccine-is to recommend courses of action right your vet is perfectly.

2. He regularly maintained.

Regular baths, week at 2 to 3 times the teeth Polish, clean his ears, includes brushing his coat. Just as well as aesthetic but also he becomes ticks or fleas to avoid. These pests are common dog is so fatal.

Note the fleas food blood sucking. As a result, your dog is his fleas and ticks may get if you do not immediately remove malnourished. Pest insect discharge collar for your dog to purchase or he can use anti-flea shampoo bath.

3. Feed the health food he.

Your puppy's diet consists of table scraps. You must feed to resist urge ???? him to your dog's biological makeup you from very, very different.

Table scraps are typically contains fats and oils, and these to your dog can bring harm after. Including appropriate nutrient growth of his body and mind healthy healthy eating gives your dog.

4 Regularly exercise. ? Do dogs need regular exercise, assume that reduces obesity. Bad profitably fracture and not get bored and still get enough exercise is bored. Chewing on fracture easily bored with abnormal barking can and most of all the bad puppy health is.

Jogging also can be form of exercise for your dog walk in Park. Morning and evening-make a regular habit, but in the day, at least once-ideally two times. It is also the psychological well-being of his impact on.

5. The de-worm puppy.

How do you no matter what a healthy dog, remains in your dog's body parasites. They may come in the form of tapeworm, hookworm, or roundworms. Loses his appetite for your dog to start or become lethargy when he bring to ensure he ate his vet needs to.

5. Know your puppy.

This one is a little, no sound like the words to play. At this point I mean how he should know usually is. Likes his appetite for what his habit, he to you hate, he sees how it is.

Something so far wrong your puppy health is best way to spot. If you know how he is usually immediately when he is okay-not know stop most diseases before they cause worry you more serious seeds, will investigate further.

-Healthy puppies are happy puppy - one day end, be glad your downloads! happy days and even your dog to-life he thus makes sense your easily becomes responsive and your statement.


  1. Make sure you take the puppy for their vaccinations.You have to maintain a vaccination schedule since some of them may require a follow-up.

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  2. Discover a type of food your dog enjoys and ensure to give it to him regularly.

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